Organising a Charity Parachute Jump
You may have to undergo some training in order to perform your parachute jump – otherwise, you will not be permitted to jump on your own. However, even a tandem jump with a licensed parachuting instructor works great as...
第15回チャリティゴルフコンペ開催 無事終了しました
今年で15回目になりますチャリティゴルフコンペは、埼玉県の「鳩山カントリークラブ」にて開催致します!毎年多くの方々に出席いただいております。ここまで来れたのも皆様のお力添えあってこそです。感謝申し上げます。 このゴルフコ
Social Networking for Charity
Education provides children with opportunities to escape poverty, gain a voice in their community and experience a better quality of life. But worldwide, more than 120 million children are unable to attend school. Pellentesque ut porta libero. Curabitur non auctor...
Introduction to theory of change
Learn how a theory of change can help you to clarify your strategy, measure your impact and think about your place in the sector, and practise mapping your own at NPC’s one-day training workshop.